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The Hawaiian Islands are home to so many amazing beaches. More than any other state, Hawaii draws tourists solely for beaches and ocean-based activities. The warm clear water and temperate climate makes Hawaii’s beaches ideal for swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing year-round.

We set out to find all of the beaches in the islands and share them with everyone by providing detailed information and honest descriptions. Starting with the Big Island of Hawaii, we will share what we discover. The towns, beaches, and attractions around the islands are very special and definitely unique. Even pictures or 1000 words don’t do enough to communicate how special Hawaii’s natural places are.

We are fortunate that the state of Hawaii ensures that every beach is open to the public both for local residents and tourists alike. That said, some of these beaches are remote and must be earned with difficult vehicle access or a long hike. It should go without saying, but always respect people’s spaces when you visit beaches. If you get to a small or remote beach with locals and families, find your own space and don’t intrude.

When you visit Hawaii, be sure to support the local economies (think small businesses, farms, and artists), smile and respect the local residents, protect the animals (we share beaches and coastal lands with sea turtles, endangered Hawaiian monk seals, and the nene Hawaiian geese for example), do not trespass on private property, avoid contact with historical structures and archaeological sites (take only pictures), clean up after your visit (leave no trace and pick up any trash you find), honor the history and Hawaiian traditions, and learn as much as you can about the islands.